Bot Battles Player Analysis: An Introduction

Goal: To clean a dataset of mobile gaming data, perform an exploratory data analysis, and provide insights and recommendations.

Python and PostgreSQL
Data Cleaning, Visualization, Regression, Hypothesis Testing

Introduction to the Game

SQL Queries

The data comes from a gaming company that runs periodic gaming events for a game called Bot Battles. Gaming events last several hours and happen at most once a day. Last year, 147 gaming events occurred with 980 out of 1100 registered players playing in at least one gaming event. The dataset contains information on point scores as well as categorical information on player demographics and attributes.

Introduction to the Project

For ease of reading, I've broken the project up into parts and written about each one separately:

  • Part 1: Import the data into a PostgreSQL database and perform cleaning as necessary.
  • Part 2: Explore the dataset and attempt to understand the game better, focusing on point totals as a measure of user activity. Use SQL to query the dataset and Python to generate visualizations. Document any key findings and provide recommendations to the appropriate teams.

The full project with all of the Python and SQL code can be found here.